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Does Gout Require Medical Attention?

Our joints work through a synthesis of many moving parts, including bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues. Conditions that cause inflammation and damage, like arthritis, create pain, swelling, and other problems that lead to discomfort and limited mobility. 

Fifty million American adults and 300,000 children are struggling with some form of the over 100 kinds of arthritis, including 8.3 million adults coping with the effects of gout.

Gout generally affects one joint at a time, with intermittent symptoms, meaning they come and go at different times. Residents of Beverly Hills, California, dealing with gout or other forms of arthritis can get help from Dr. Shawn Veiseh and our dedicated medical staff.

Gout can occur for a number of reasons and, depending on how much pain you’re dealing with, may require medical attention. To find out when help might be necessary, let’s examine what gout is, its causes and symptoms, and why medical help may be necessary.

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