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What’s an Executive Physical?

What’s an Executive Physical?

There are two reasons to consider an executive physical. If you own a company, you may want all executives to have an extensive, thorough physical in order to protect your investment in them. Or, if you’re an executive, you may want to handle as much of your health care as possible in one visit. 

In his University Executive Physical Program, Dr. Shawn Veiseh provides services tailored to help busy executives manage their health care and companies protect their investment in talented professionals.  

Protecting your business

Talented executives are busy individuals. And their packed schedules, high-stress levels, and long workdays are known health risks.

Your business suffers when its leaders are unable to lead due to illness. By offering your most valuable employees access to an intensive, thorough, convenient annual physical is like adding a layer of protection — for their health and for the health of your company.

Providing tailored care

When you get a regular physical, you may need multiple follow up appointments for various lab tests, and yet more appointments to discuss the results of those tests. With an executive physical, Dr. Veiseh provides all of those services in one appointment, streamlining your healthcare.

Another advantage of an executive physical is that it’s a deep dive into your health. Whether you have questions about nutrition, exercise, medications, proper sleep, or any other aspect of your health, it can be addressed during your executive physical. 

Prevention is the best medicine

An executive physical includes all of the appropriate screenings you need, based on your medical history, your age, and any symptoms you may have. Preventive screenings save lives, because early detection of virtually any health problem results in better outcomes.

Although you know how important proper nutrition and exercise are to good health, you’re busy. You didn’t reach your current position by spending hours each day at the gym or shopping for nutritious food. 

During your executive physical, Dr. Veiseh and his staff assess your current lifestyle in light of your overall health. If you’re at risk for a chronic health issue such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes, we provide counselling on how to protect yourself — beyond the typical advice to get more exercise and eat better. 

Along with the appropriate tests, you’ll leave your appointment with actionable tips to improve your health. Perhaps you need help in developing a healthier sleep schedule, or you need advice on how to improve your diet within the context of your busy life. One of the most helpful aspects of an executive physical is the highly individualized nature of the service.

Convenience and comfort

During your appointment, you have the opportunity to order a meal in advance, and you have the comfort of a private room where your belongings can stay while you have the various tests and consultations.

Dr. Veiseh designed the executive physical experience with the unique demands most executives face daily. He understands your life, and aims to make good health care a convenient part of it.

Schedule your executive physical today, and learn how easy taking care of your health can be. Booking an appointment online is convenient and easy, or, if you prefer, simply give our office a call and we’ll get your appointment scheduled. 

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